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The Silver Appleyard Duck

The Silver Appleyard duck is a breed of domestic duck that originated in England in the 20th century. It is known for its attractive plumage, its high meat and egg production and its friendly personality.

Silver Appleyard ducks are large, heavy birds, with males weighing between 8-10 lbs and females weighing between 7-8 lbs. They have a striking plumage with silver base color and black markings on the head, neck, back and tail. The female has a white head with brown markings and wings with white markings and a blue cross-like pattern. The male has a dark green head and neck, chestnut or red-brown breast, sides, flank and shoulders with white feathers underneath. He also has an iridescent green patch on his wing called a speculum. There is also a golden variety that replaces the black pigments with a light golden brown color.

The Silver Appleyard is a versatile breed that can provide meat, eggs and beauty to its owners. It is now considered a rare breed that needs conservation efforts to preserve its genetic diversity and quality. Here are some additional facts about the Silver Appleyard duck:
  • The breed was created by Reginald Appleyard, a skilled poultry breeder and renowned writer from Ixworth, England.
  • It is a dual-purpose breed, meaning that it is good for both meat and egg production.
  • It is a friendly and docile breed that is easy to care for.
  • It is a rare breed, but it is becoming increasingly popular among backyard chicken keepers.
Silver Appleyard duck Silver Appleyard duck