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Heritage Animal Conservation Inc.

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The Ayam Cemani, the all black Chicken.

The Ayam Cemani chicken is a rare and exotic breed that is known for its all-black appearance. The breed originated in Indonesia, and it is believed to be a descendant of the wild jungle fowl.

Ayam Cemani chickens are medium-sized birds, with males weighing between 4.5 and 6.5 pounds and females weighing between 3.5 and 4.5 pounds. They have a strong and muscular body, with close-fitting feathers that have a beetle-green iridescence in sunlight. The breed has a single comb and a confident and alert posture.

Ayam Cemani chickens are not very productive as egg or meat producers. The hens lay cream-colored eggs that weigh around 45 grams, but they are poor setters and rarely hatch their own brood. However, the breed is friendly and docile, and it can be kept as an ornamental or show bird.

The Ayam Cemani chicken is a unique and fascinating breed with a rich history and culture behind it. It is a rare and expensive bird, but it can be a great addition to any flock.

Here are some additional facts about the Ayam Cemani chicken:
  • The breed's name comes from the Indonesian words "ayam" (chicken) and "cemani" (entirely black)
  • The chicken's feathers, skin, meat, bones, organs, and even its tongue and beak are all black.
  • The breed is believed to have magical powers, and it is often used in traditional medicine.
  • Ayam Cemani chickens are becoming increasingly popular as ornamental birds, and they can fetch a high price.